Just because we’re all growds up, doesn’t mean we are free and clear of the dreaded “mean girl.” Or, as I like to call them, “Alpha Moms.” In case you’re unsure of how to properly identify an Alpha Mom, I define them as any woman who makes you feel bad about your choices.   I don’t mean the kind of choices that lead to prison time, I’m talking about the everyday stuff that ultimately amounts to how we live our lives.

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Recently I was at a women’s gathering (that shall remain nameless to protect the innocent), where we watched a 15 minute video clip on "power and the art of persuasion,” taught by a very accomplished communications expert.  Naturally I was pretty excited to see the video and hear someone else's take on the subject, since I have a similar workshop.

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Yesterday, someone sent me a link to an article suggesting that according to a study done by eHarmony, people tend to say opposites attract, but based on how they fill out their online dating preferences questionnaire, people actually want something closer to home. And by “closer” I mean “almost identical” to themselves.

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