The fastest way to organize your thinking.

The fastest way to organize your thinking.

Have you ever had one of these thoughts: 

  • How do I parse through this tsunami of (research, data, facts and figures, etc.), and make it meaningful to someone else?
  • How do I quiet the noise in my mind, long enough to form a coherent argument or recommendation?
  • How do I take something incredibly complex and make it simpler to comprehend? 

You may be surprised to know that when I’m working with a client who is a classic communication/presentation procrastinator, it is usually one of these thoughts that is driving the delay.

When we’re in a state of intellectual overwhelm, it can feel as though we’re sitting with a giant knot of tangled threads, and in order to communicate our message, we have to painstakingly untangle that knot for an audience.

But I am here to tell you … no audience has that kind of patience. 

And, I want you to know that there is a VERY simple trick you can use to communicate your complicated, messy message in a way that can be digested and understood. Ready?

Use the Rule of Three.

The Rule of Three asserts that our tired brains just love a pattern. And the simplest pattern is … you guessed it … three of something.

It sounds too simple, I know. But I want you to try a thought experiment this week:

Before you hit “reply” on an email that requires writing more than a few sentences, ask yourself, 

What are the three messages I want to communicate with this email?

And communicate your message in three bullets. Or numerically. It matters not. What matters is that there are three key points.

Or if email isn’t your pain point, use the Rule of Three to organize your thoughts for that meeting tomorrow. Ask yourself:

What are the three messages I want  this audience to walk away with?

Let the Rule of Three structure your talking points, so you focus on nothing but the most critical points, and witness how powerful this organizing principle truly is.

If you’re rolling your eyes reading this, just humor me. Give it a try. 

Watch how the Rule of Three  can transmute your overwhelm into focus. 

Watch how it defrosts a frozen brain.

Watch how it gives your messages  an irresistible energy and repeatability.

And please report back. I love hearing from you.

Shine on,


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