Who Are You, Uninterrupted?

Who Are You, Uninterrupted?

Good morning, Friend,

Who are you, uninterrupted?

My brilliant friend and style coach Lisa Raja posted this Felecia Hatcher video  in our group chat recently, and it stopped me in my tracks.

The question moved me so profoundly that I wrote it on a notecard, set it on my desk, and looked at it every day for a week, marveling at what bubbled up.

Creative. Lucky. Adventurous. Wise.

The part of Felecia’s directive that I found most interesting is this:

Where am I responsible for creating unnecessary obstacles on my path?

And, what obstacles are NOT my doing, but still require removal and/or renegotiation? My list of interruptions is long. But it isn’t insurmountable. It just requires that I apply a bit of creativity and cleverness.

Contemplating who I might be—who I AM—when uninterrupted caused me to rethink my schedule for the next several weeks. It forced me to be mindful about protecting any blocks of unscheduled time, filling them with things that are only possible uninterrupted.

Your thought experiment this week is to ask yourself Felecia Hatcher’s question…

Who are you, uninterrupted?

Some interruptions are impossible to avoid. But some are entirely on us. 

Find the places and spaces where you can carve out time to do. To be. To listen. To create. 

And watch yourself unfurl.

Shine on my friend,

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