Words of inspiration from

Latest Podcast Episode

Courage is Rewarded

My conversation with Tina Tran, Director of Business Development at Microsoft
But coming up with that much-touted gratitude list can seem a bridge too far for our overstimulated, overly exhausted selves. So when I’m just too overwhelmed to stretch myself to the heights of gratitude, I reach for appreciation instead.

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It was not a comfortable conversation, but it also wasn’t the end of the world.  And it forced us to examine the system that made the mistake possible in the first place. Together, we found and corrected a fault in our system. It was a win-win.  As leaders, when we overfunction in order to spare ourselves (and those around us) from the pain of a mistake, we inadvertently hold back their growth.

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OOOOF, friends. This one is a showstopper.The brilliant Dr. Leslie Carr and I get real about what the heck work is supposed to look like in this weird post-Covid world we now occupy. We talk about the leadership styles that are poised to win in this environment, and those that are doomed to implode. But most importantly, we talked about what humans truly need in order to thrive. Dr. Leslie Carr is a psychologist and an expert in how trauma, stress, culture, and digital technology impact the mind, and she consults and speaks to audiences about how they survive and even thrive amidst challenging or adverse circumstances. She’s been featured in the LA Times, ABC News, and The Huffington Post among many others. Leslie is also the host of an e-course on how to use technology mindfully, and the host of a podcast called The Nature of Nurture, which delves deep into the nature v nurture debate by exploring how our minds and mental health are shaped by lived experience. Check it all out at www.lesliecarr.com, her e-course is available until 10/31 — you don’t want to miss it!

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