Hi Friend, I recently gave my Show Stopping Storytelling Skills workshop to a team in San Francisco. Good storytelling requires a storytelling mindset — one that allows us to believe that even our most mundane days are full of stories. The guy that you flipped off on the freeway? Story. The way your teenager sneered at your advice for going viral on TikTok? Story. That moment you remembered to truly listen and not just offer advice? Story.

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Hi Friend, If you’ve been riding along with me for a while, you’ll know that I haven’t been taking on new coaching clients in quite some time. Not because I don’t love working one-on-one, but because when I start working with someone new, it is often a multi-session (even multi-month) long project, and I can only accommodate a few coaching clients at a time. But … that restriction is about to change. I’m launching … drum roll, please …

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Every December, I have a little planning ritual. I ask myself one very simple question: What kinds of experiences am I interested in having with my family and friends this season? I let myself get audacious and creative. Once I feel satisfied, I trim it down to the most delicious essentials—the people, places, and activities that truly fill my tank.

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Resentment is one of my least favorite emotions. What sucking on a slice of lemon does to the face, resentment does to the spirit. Resentment causes an inward spiral of bitterness, as we mentally catalog our grievances and complaints on repeat. But resentment can also be a powerful teacher and guide. It can be a big flashing sign saying, “BOUNDARY VIOLATION IN PROGRESS.”

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Recently, I gave a speech to a group of CEOs and business leaders about communicating with authenticity. The audience was warm, engaged, and a lot of fun to work with. But during the Q&A, one of the CEOs raised his hand and asked me a question that stopped me in my tracks. He asked, For those of us who tend to live in our heads, how do we drop into our hearts?

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