Social Media guru JD Lasica interviewed me a few months back at Girls In Tech's Santa Cruz retreat about the topic of women and public speaking.  This is a subject near to my heart, and I'm on a mission to make sure women become more prominent players in the conference speaking circuit.  So please enjoy, and if you think it's helpful, pass it along!

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Tomorrow I’ll be giving a “Power & Presence” workshop for the San Francisco Chapter of Girls In Tech.  I’ve been looking forward to this workshop for months, because the women I meet through Girls In Tech always dazzle me with their purpose and energy.  So of course, when I saw that today is International Women’s Day, I was reminded of what a privilege it is to work with these women, teaching them to be more powerful speakers!

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Like all presentation coaches the world over, I am once again ruminating on Steve Jobs’ performance today as he unveiled the much anticipated iPad.  In fact, that sound you just heard was my jaw hitting the ground as I watched the iPad’s eReader demonstrated in Steve’s capable hands.  Full disclosure: I’m in a state of unbridled teenage lust over this product.  In other words, it may interfere with my ability to actually evaluate his delivery.  But here goes.

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